ICARUS HAD A FATHER, a one act play by Doug von Koss. Daedalus sets the record straight about the wings, the flight and a whole lot more. Any story with a power hungry King and a conniving Queen, men who fly, an underground architect, wild inventions, Gods and Goddesses, bull dances, human sacrifice, and don't forget madness, murder and revenge is too good to leave confined in Bullfinch's mythology! Originally presented at the Redwood Men's Center. Here are links to two scenes of the play being read:
A traditional medicine man once described his work as follows:
"I am he who brings together." This is also the purpose of artistic medicine: to bring hearts, hands and voices together in experiences of harmony and beauty. The medicine comes in discovering harmony within and with others, and carrying it into the greater community. Here is a link to video footage of a singing circle in action:
Below are some full-length audio samples from Doug's CD,
How Sweet The Sound !, which is a compilation of songs
from circles that Doug has lead:
Doug often recites poems while leading his circles, as well as at other
events. At the links below you can listen to some audio samples from Doug's
poetry performances:
“He makes the tone deaf hear, the mute sing
and the heart radiate with golden possibility. He has inspired many to trust
their voice and sing loudly without inhibition. He drinks us silly with
music! I love Doug!”
Jocela Mae Cunningham, CWC
but you are not deaf,
you pick out
your own song from the uproar
line by line,
and at last throw back
your head and sing it.
Denise Levertov